Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Culture of Life Africa interview with Professor Helen Alvaré

The Culture of Life Africa Blog reported last week on an interview with Professor Helen Alvaré who recently addressed the Pontifical Council for the Laity in Rome at a seminar for the 25th anniversary on Pope John Paul II's document on women- Mulieris Dignitatem.
This is a very enlightening interview and well worth reading.
We have reprinted part of the interview below and the full interview may be found on the this link.

Obianuju Ekeocha: Professor Alvaré, You are American, what are some of the detriments and damages in your country (especially on women and young girls) of this new and emergent culture that has in fact been described by Pope John II as the "Culture of Death"?
Professor Helen Alvaré: a primary one, about which I have written a great deal, is the abrogating of what is essential to the woman and girl, which is her ability to exercise her gift or capacity for the human person. This has been expressly denied or at least placed under suspicion by some versions of feminism which have declared that her freedom lies in : breaking relations with God, denying the possibility of truth, avoiding suffering or sacrifice at all costs, and refusing solidarity with human life, especially the weakest, or any which might claim dependence upon her. It was promised that walling herself off from human beings and human life, would bring freedom, but of course it has produced the opposite. Now, when life, including sexual relations is “all about me,” it turns out it brings no utopia of relationships, or perfect sex, or family happiness …but loneliness, convoluted relations, and objectification of herself and others. In particular, the contraceptive and abortion culture has led to a situation in which sex outside of marriage or any “commitment” is the norm, and if one woman won’t go along another will. This is due to the “risk compensation” effect whereby people believe pregnancy is “insured against”  due to contraception and abortion. But, ironically, because of that effect, greater availability of contraception and abortion has actually led to MORE not less nonmarital pregnancy, MORE not less sexually transmitted infection and MORE not less abortion, divorce, cohabitation, and broken relations