Monday, December 6, 2010

More propaganda from Irish President on Homosexual lifestyles

 Mrs. Mary McAleese, President of Ireland, has once more spoken out publicly in support of homosexuals and their lifestyle.   It seems to be quite a recurrent theme of hers – unless, of course, it is that the Irish media likes to dwell on these matters and to highlight any mention of the homosexual agenda, particularly from such a public figure as the President.    

On this occasion, Mrs. McAleese was speaking at a ‘Traveller Pride Week’, when awards were given for various categories of achievement within the traveller community.  ‘Travellers’ is the name now given to those who form that group within Irish society once known as ‘Tinkers’ (arising from their chief craft and occupation of tin-smithing).   They are a wonderful people, with great family and religious traditions, but over the past few decades their traditional way of life – travelling from place to place around Ireland, and providing valuable services for the ‘settled’ population – has become more and more difficult as traditional trades have been replaced by more ‘modern’ and ‘up-to-date’ technology.
Now, too, the so-called ‘rights’ and ‘equality’ gurus have taken up the ‘cause’ of the travelling people, and not always for their betterment.

To get back to Mrs. McAleese, however – addressing the travellers, she is quoted as having said that they have faced ‘more than a few Everests of negativity’, so that their stories of success are ‘exactly what we need to hear at this difficult time.’  She went on to say that minorities within the traveller community, ‘such as people who were gay’ had to ‘cope with being doubly excluded’.   ‘For many kids who grew up … as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, we know that very often the first words of exclusion that they will hear … will likely be in their own home.’   One of the ten Traveller Pride awards was won – surprise, surprise – by the ‘Gay Traveller Support Group’.     Another award winner declared that: ‘There are a hundred ways to be a Traveller and being gay is just one of them.’
Mrs. McAleese, too, despite the numerous requests and entreaties to her earlier this year not to do so, signed into law the ‘Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Bill’ with unseemly haste (see my blog of 29 July 2010).    This Bill, now enacted into law, is a big threat to family and life in Ireland, but Mrs. Aleese – despite her duty as custodian of the Constitution of Ireland – chose instead to ignore the special protection afforded and guaranteed to the family by the Constitution, and acquiesced instead with the promoters of the homosexual agenda both in Ireland and, particularly, in Europe.

The Irish national television station doesn’t lag behind in this matter either.   On a recent Friday night programme, the ‘Late Late Show’, the presenter was interviewing the members of a music/singing band.  Having touched on the family situation of three members of the band, and mention being made of their wives, children, etc., he came to the fourth member and congratulated him on his forthcoming marriage.   It emerged, however, that the ‘marriage’ and ‘engagement’ (also referred to) were between two homosexuals.   Sadly there was not a whisper of a reaction from the audience present.  I wonder what is the reaction of the population at large who watch this particular programme in their thousands, and whether we have been sufficiently indoctrinated to accept the homosexual lifestyle as being a normal way of life. 
Even the current weekend ‘Magazine’ produced by one of the Irish daily newspapers highlights homosexuals and makes reference to Mrs. McAleese’s support for them. (The ‘Magazine’ will be lying around in houses for a week from now, as it also contains all television and radio programmes for that period).

Sad times, when such propaganda can be so easily provided to ‘soften up’ the people of Ireland.

John Smeaton’s blog for 4 December 2010 touches on the same subject.