Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Article on Margaret Sanger

Angela Franz has this excellent article in Inside Catholic examining the eugenicist ideals of Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger. Franz argues that Sanger's 'elitist bigotry' - her belief that certain social groups should be prohibited from having children - was even more dangerous than her racism. According to Franz, eminent feminists are questioning the motives behind some family planning institutions:

A small cadre of feminists radical enough to criticize the mainstream feminist establishment (Greer, Linda Gordon, and Betsy Hartmann, for example) have challenged the common wisdom that contemporary family planning groups are acting out of a disinterested humanitarianism. While remaining, to varying degrees, pro-contraception and pro-abortion, these women have had the courage to point out the unspoken elitism and "crypto-eugenics" behind the seemingly benevolent fronts of organizations such as Planned Parenthood.