Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Irish Dominican Group endorses pro-abortion report

A pro abortion and pro same sex marriage report, prepared by the Irish Council of Civil Liberties has been endorsed by an Irish Dominican Group, the Dominican Justice Office (DJO) according to the Irish Catholic newspaper (July 17th). The report calls on the Irish Government to “provide a legislative framework for the provision of safe and legal abortion in Ireland”. The DJO, which is a joint initiative of the Dominican Sisters and Friars, is the only religious body named on the endorsement list of the UN report on Ireland’s obligations under the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The report is also endorsed by the pro-abortion Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) the Irish affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and other pro abortion organisations.
The group run by the Irish Dominican Order has denied that they support the demand made in the report, to legalise abortion in Ireland despite the fact that they are listed as having endorsed the report. Marian Tannam, co-ordinator of the DJO told The Irish Catholic, “The Dominican Justice Office in no way endorses the recommendation that the State should provide a legislative framework for the provision of safe and legal abortions in Ireland and this was made clear to the authors by our making it a specific condition that a waiver be included." The resultant disclaimer which appears at the front of the report states: ‘The views expressed in the report do not necessarily reflect the policies and positions of each of the endorsing organisations.’

The report also demands that the Irish Government should introduce gay marriage. “The right to marry” it says “should be extended and no difference in the treatment should exist between opposite-sex and same-sex couples”.
" Our decision to endorse the Shadow Report to the Third Periodic Report on Ireland under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" according to Marian Tannam "was made in support of the many excellent recommendations on Human Rights and the overall thrust of the report in terms of social justice.” see also LifeZine Report